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First steps for the creation of a National Research Network Antibiotics in Spain

Valoralia I más D in collaboration with Saint George’s University of London and the Antibiotic Discovery Network ( AD- UK) , organizes in Madrid on June 12 at 15:30 The 1st 1st National Antibiotic Discovery Networking Event.
The main objective to be achieved with this event, is to create a National Research Network Antibiotics ( Spain-AD ).
The specific location where the activity will take place remains to be determined depending on the audience.

To communicate attendance or for more information you can contact the Department of Biotechnology, Valoralia I más D via the following e- mail:

The objective of this initiative is to promote research on antibiotics to cover the great lack of these drugs, along with rising antibiotic multiresistant bacteria present (MDR ) on market. Repeated outbreaks of ” Superbugs ”  has become a priority for the OMS, who said in a report of April, that the proliferation of this type of bacteria is not a prediction, is already a reality.

Anthony RM CoatesThe event will be attended by Professor Anthony RM Coates, Professor and Chairman of  the Department of Medical Microbiology and Antibiotic Discovery and founder of AD UK and Helperby Therapeutics Ltd.