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A SME, dedicated to renewable energy, bet on training youth

Valoralia I más D continues with its policy of collaboration with educational institutions. This time, the training agreement has been signed with the Douai School of Mines (France), and has allowed to one of its students, Valérie Hubaud, complete her training and practice the skills learned in the research area on Renewable Energy.

The purpose of this agreement is to give students the opportunity to learn to operate in a real work environment in which it’s possible see everyday situations of a company and become part of the life of the company.

Being an international convention it’s even more enriching experience, not only for the student but also for members of the receiving company.

The duration of the internship is 15 weeks and 4 days, during which besides working on the assigned project, Valérie has delved into the culture, language and was able to visit some of the most tourist places in Spain.

Valoralia I más D calls for more practical training to enable young people have their first contact with the world of work and gain knowledge that will enable them to be more competitive.